GSA Newsletter: October 24, 2021
Campus Tour for Graduate Students
Tuesday, Oct. 26
9 a.m.
Campus Commons
Register Here
The Office of Admissions is putting together a campus tour specifically for graduate students. Use the registration form to sign up for the tour and to suggest things that you want to see on campus.
Book Release Celebration: Writing & Representing Qualitative Research (by Maria Lahman, Ph.D.)
Wednesday, Oct. 27
7-8 p.m.
Please join us virtually for Maria Lahman’s, Ph.D., book release celebration for "Writing and Repersenting Qualitative Research" with SAGE publishers. Attendees will have the chance to:
- Ask a panel of former and current graduate students who wrote textboxes for the book question about the writing process.
- Ask Dr. Lahman questions
- Enter drawings for the textbook and other prizes.
- Connect to others — qualitative is stronger in community!
Mental Health Presentation from Miguel Cardozo, Peer Educator
Submitted by Chloe Johnson (Office of Global Engagement GA)
Thursday, Oct. 28, noon-1pm
University Center Aspen A & B
Register here:
Miguel Cardozo is the Mental Health Peer Educator here at UNC. He will be doing a presentation on culture shock, stressors related to going to school in a new culture, coping strategies and resources that are available to students. All students are invited to attend!
Balancing Multiple Demands as a Graduate Student
Submitted by Genevieve Altomare
Monday, Nov. 1
2-3 p.m.
Join this Graduate School Professional Development workshop to learn how to manage the life of being a busy graduate student. Audrey Tocco (Educational Psychology, Ph.D.) will discuss strategies and ideas on how to navigate your way with a very overloading schedule.
Colorado Avalanche Hockey Game versus Columbus Blue Jackets
Submitted by Chloe Johnson (Office of Global Engagement GA)
Wednesday, Nov. 3, 5-11 p.m.
Cost: $45 per person
Register here:
We will be meeting at the Office of Global Engagement (CIE) at 5 p.m. and taking a van to the Ball Arena in Denver. The game starts at 7 p.m., and we will get back to CIE around 11 p.m. The cost of this event covers the ticket to the game and the cost of transportation. There will be concessions available for students to purchase, so don’t forget to bring some money! All students are welcome to register for this event.
3MT Informative Workshop (Cindy Wesley, presenter)
Submitted by Genevieve Altomare
Tuesday, Nov. 9
Noon-1 p.m.
The 3MT is a spoken word thesis competition. 3MT is an opportunity for graduate students to present their dissertation research findings to a general audience in three minutes with only one static PowerPoint slide. This event will explain more about what the 3MT is, inform you on how to participate in our February 3MT event at UNC and answer any questions that you may have.
GSA Meals
Dinner: Wednesday, Nov. 10, 5:30 p.m.
Lunch: Wednesday, Nov. 17, 11:30 a.m.
Holmes Dining Hall
Registration Form
Join your fellow graduate students for a meal at Holmes Dining Hall. All GSA lunches and dinners are hosted by Biological Education, Ph.D. student Karina Sanchez. Meals provided by the GSA.
Campus Recreation Center Suggestions / Concerns
Suggestion / Concern Form
If you are a graduate student that pays student fees, you have access to the UNC Campus Recreation Center, Outdoor Pursuits, and Gear Shop. Do you have suggestions for, or concerns about, the UNC Campus Recreation Center? GSA Campus Rec Advisory Board representative, Alicia Romano (SES: Sport Administration, Ph.D.), will be meeting with Campus Rec administration on Thursday, Oct. 28, at 9 a.m. to discuss graduate students interests at the Rec Center. Current issues / suggestions from graduate students include:
- Free admission to the Rec Center for graduate student partners and/or children.
- Eliminating fees for Outdoor Pursuits trips.
- Eliminating fees for Group Fitness passes.
- Equipment requests:
- Ping Pong table and accessories
- Billiard table and accessories
- Pop-a-Shot mini basketball game
Add your suggestions / concerns to this list:
Suggestion / Concern Form
GSA Stickers
Order free graduate student stickers
Free stickers and free shipping within the U.S. for current UNC graduate students. Limited availability.
Faculty Diversity Statement Rubric
UC Berkeley DEI Rubric
Do you have to write a diversity statement for a faculty job application? This rubric from the University of California, Berkeley, may be helpful. Berkeley uses this rubric to assess candidate contributions to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Rather than writing a vague statement about how D.E.I. is important to you, this rubric can help you craft a diversity statement that provides clear evidence of your contributions to D.E.I.
Tobey-Kendel Dining Room Closed for the Academic Year
University of Northern Colorado students react to dining hall closure
by Anne Delaney at the Greeley Tribune
A three-hour meeting was held to discuss the closure of TK dining room. Lack of staffing caused UNC officials to close TK dining room to consolidate food services at Holmes dining room.
Special Student Senate Meeting Addresses Tobey-Kendel Closure
by Quinn Hodge at the UNC Mirror
University of Northern Colorado’s Tobey-Kendel Dining Hall to reopen on limited basis
by Anne Delaney at the Greeley Tribune
Tobey-Kendel Dining Room will offer grab-and-go lunch and dinner, Monday through Friday, starting Oct. 18. Other changes include:
- Expanded hours for the Holmes Hall grab-and-go will be from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
- A full-sized refrigerator has been placed at the lower level of Frasier for students to store meals. Beginning Monday, the refrigerator will be stocked daily with various items by dining services in an attempt to bridge the time gap until T-K reopens. Frasier Hall, on 9th Avenue in the central part of campus, is home to the school of music. Students in the music school participated in the student senate meeting on Wednesday to explain the importance of Tobey-Kendel to them given its proximity to Frasier Hall.
- Klawz Corner in the University Center will close with the need to reassign staff back to T-K.
- Hissho Sushi will open Oct. 18 in the University Center as a cash-only operation from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays.
- Student dining services employees in retail and dining room staffs will be offered a free meal during each working shift.
- Handshake job postings have been made more explicit and accurate for student staff positions. The marketing of these openings will appear on social media and other locations.
- An additional station has been added to Holmes Dining Hall to alleviate long lines.
- The university has purchased a limited supply of 3.1-cubic-foot mini refrigerator units, and they are available to rent for by going to
- Additional kitchen equipment will be purchased for residence halls with community kitchens.
Does the TK Dining Room Closure Affect You or Your Students?
Comment Form
Submit your comments on the closure of Tobey-Kendel Dining Room. Comments to be submitted to UNC Administration. Survey closes on Nov. 7.
Graduate School Town Hall Meetings
No meeting minutes available
Graduate School leadership scheduled three town hall meetings on Oct. 11-13, but meetings were cancelled as no graduate students registered to attend.
GSA Meetings with President Feinstein
Registration Form
Upcoming Meetings:
- Monday, Nov. 29: 1:45-2:45 p.m.
- Monday, Dec. 13: 1-2 p.m.
- Wednesday, Jan. 12: 2-3 p.m.
- Tuesday, Feb. 15: 10:30-11:30 a.m.
- Tuesday, March 22: 10:30-11:30 a.m.
- Wednesday, April 20: 2-3 p.m.
The GSA is hosting monthly meetings for graduate students with President Feinstein. Ask questions and bring up your concerns. All graduate programs are encouraged to have at least one representative present.
Programs with graduate students registered to attend the Oct. 21 meeting, as of Oct. 17:
- Applied Statistics & Research Methods
- Biological Education
- Chemical Education
- Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Educational Psychology
- Music Performance
- Nursing
- Rehabilitation Counseling
- SES: Sport Administration
- Special Education
College of Natural Health Sciences: Committee Nominees
NHS is holding elections for graduate students to serve on the Equity and Inclusion
Committee and the Research, Scholarly Activity and Creative Works Advisory Board.
The Graduate Student Association requested that these committee positions be compensated
with some form of stipend, but the request was denied by NHS. Nominations opened on
Sept. 27 and closed on Oct. 11. Students within the College of NHS should have receive
an email to vote by Oct. 18. Nominees were:
Equity and Inclusion Committee (EIC):
- Jessica Rodriguez (Nutrition and Dietetics, M.S. program)
"I am a graduate student of dietetics and this is a social cause that I am highly dedicated to. As a dietetic major one of my biggest issues with the dietetic profession is the lack of representation with only about 3% of Hispanics in the profession. This is an issue to me obviously because those who are at higher risk of chronic illness are unfortunately Latinos and African Americans. When more than 90% in the profession are white women, how is this not an issue? There is misrepresentation in the profession." - Kristofer Reiser (Chemical Education, Ph.D. program)
"I would like to serve on the Equity and Inclusion committee because I am passionate about how our classrooms impact our students and broader NHS community. I am eager to learn from the faculty in NHS who are early adopters in this work and help implement effective change in our college. I hope my membership would be a way to advocate for graduate students as well as a learning experience I can carry with me when I leave UNC."
Research, Scholarly Activity, and Creative Works (RSCW) Advisory Board:
- Erika Power (Nursing, DNP program)
"I am currently in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program in the SON and hope to graduate by Spring 2021 with my Doctorate. I have been a practicing FNP for the past 2 years and the topic of my dissertation is on chronic pain management in older adults and creating a treatment algorithm. I have been a grad assistant for the SON for 3 years while getting my MSN and my DNP and I thoroughly enjoy helping to teach the undergraduate and graduate students over the past 3 years."
GSA Grant Cycle 02
Cycle 02 grant applicants should check their UNC Bear Mail regularly. Notices for
application edits will be sent out on, or before, Oct. 29, 2021, with corrections
due by Tuesday, Nov. 2.
How much are students spending (on average) to attend conferences?
Graduate students submitted their best guesses for the average cost to attend, or present at, conferences during grant cycle 02. The graduate student with the closest guess (without going over the correct answer) is Destiny Padilla with a guess of $330. The actual average amount requested for conferences in cycle 02 was $721.20.
UNC Police Reports
Daily Crime Logs: July 14-Oct. 14, 2021
2021 UNC Campus Security & Fire Safety Report
Student Senate Report
Meeting Minutes from Sept. 29, 2021
Minutes from Oct. 13 unavailable at this time
GSA Director, David Shimokawa (SES: Sport Administration, Ph.D. program), attended the Student Senate business meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 13, on behalf of graduate students. There are no graduate students serving as senators for their college at this time.
NHS graduate students David Shimokawa (Sport Administration, Ph.D.), Jessica Duke (Biological Education, Ph.D.), and Karina Sanchez (Biological Education, Ph.D.) met with NHS Student Senators Gabi Swize, Christa Harvey, and Hannah Wilson on Thursday, Sept. 30 to discuss the following concerns of graduate students in the College of Natural and Health Sciences:
- Higher pay for graduate assistants
- Health insurance for graduate assistants
- Misleading racial/ethnic representation in UNC advertising
- Free transcripts for UNC students/alumni
- Higher pay/tuition waivers for Student Senate positions to attract more graduate students
Faculty Senate Report
Meeting minutes from September 13, 2021
Minutes from Sept. 27 unavailable at this time
GSA representative, Yohan Lee (SES: Sport Administration, Ph.D. program), attended the Faculty Senate meeting on Monday, Sept. 27, on behalf of graduate students. There are no graduate students serving as official representatives on Faculty Senate at this time.
Health Insurance for Graduate Students Survey
Do you have UNC's Student Health Insurance, Colorado Medicaid, or some other form
of insurance? This survey went out in the Oct. 3, GSA Newsletter. From the completed
surveys, one prize winner was randomly selected. Congratulations to Molly Hebzynski for being the prize winner for this survey!
Survey Results:
I am happy with the UNC Student Health Insurance Plan.
Neutral: 37.5%
Slightly Disagree: 12.5%
No response: 50%
The UNC Student Health Insurance Plan is affordable to me.
Strongly Agree: 0%
Slightly Agree: 12.5%
Neutral: 25%
Slightly Disagree: 25%
Strongly Disagree: 12.5%
No Response: 25%
The UNC Student Health Insurance Plan is the only option available to me.
Strongly Agree: 50%
Slightly Agree: 0%
Neutral: 0%
Slightly Disagree: 12.5%
Strongly Disagree: 25%
No Response: 12.5%
I know how to apply for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act Marketplace.
Strongly Agree: 12.5%
Slightly Agree:
Slightly Disagree: 37.5%
Strongly Disagree: 37.5%
No Response: 12.5%
I know how to apply for Colorado Medicaid.
Strongly Agree: 25%
Slightly Agree: 0%
Neutral: 0%
Slightly Disagree: 12.5%
Strongly Disagree: 50%
No Response: 12.5%
I believe other institutions provide health insurance for their Graduate / Teaching
Strongly Agree: 25%
Slightly Agree: 37.5%
Neutral: 25%
Slightly Disagree: 0%
Strongly Disagree: 0%
No Response: 12.5%
I am on my spouse / parents' insurance plan.
Strongly Agree: 37.5%
Slightly Agree: 0%
Neutral: 0%
Slightly Disagree: 0%
Strongly Disagree: 50%
No Response: 12.5%
New Graduate / Undergraduate Class
Submitted by Dannon Cox, Ph.D.
CH505: Health Communication and the Media
5-7:50 p.m.
Gunter Hall #2530
CRN#: 24391
Need an elective next Spring? Why the Health don’t you enroll in CH 505?!
Media is the driving force of information in today’s fast-paced world. From podcasts to cat videos, we consume and often produce media everyday — maybe sometimes too much!
CH 505, Health Communication and the Media, will explore the various types of digital media that can be used to design, produce and evaluate within a health education/promotion lens. Learn how to critically approach media and storytelling techniques while producing your own content via videos, photographs, podcasts, animations, and more!
Open to all graduate students as well as Juniors and Seniors with a GPA of 3.0+.
New Graduate Classes
Submitted by Chelsie Romulo, Ph.D.
Campus and Community Events (Oct. 25-Nov. 13)
Monday, Oct. 25
Defense of Dissertation: Genevieve Skinner Prater, Educational Studies, 8 a.m.
UNC UNITE Workshop: Examining Socio-Economic Status, 4-6 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 26
Fall K-12 Educator Employment Day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Oral Comprehensive Exam: Robin O'Shea, Special Education, 2 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 27
Student Health Fair, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Preparing for Inclusiving Teaching: Examining Race Relations & Racism, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Defense of Scholarly Project: Julie Hirman, Nursing Practice, 1 p.m.
Maria Lahman Book Launch, 7-8 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 28
Defense of Scholarly Project: Nicole Jeanette Suppes, Nursing Practice, 9 a.m.
Oral Comprehensive Exam: Jonathan D. Shaw, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies,
10:45 a.m.
Defense of Dissertation, Brian Holt Tucker, Educational Studies, noon
Mental Health Presentation, noon-1 p.m.
Oral Comprehensive Exam: Vanessa Lee Giddings, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, 1 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 29
Defense of Dissertation: John Brian Miller, Educational Studies, noon
Defense of Dissertation: Cara Smith, Biological Education, 3:35 p.m.
Climbing Gym Shuttle, 5 - 9 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 30
Greeley Farmers Market, 8 a.m.-noon
UNC Football vs. Sacramento State, 1-4 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 31
Monday, Nov. 1
Defense of Dissertation, Lindsay Ellen Mason, HESAL, 1 p.m.
Balancing Multiple Demands as a Graduate Student, 2-3 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 2
Student Recital: Mihye Kim, Voice, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 3
Defense of Dissertation: Ivan Jay Wayne, Educational Psychology, 9 a.m.
Defense of Dissertation: Robert Eugene Resch, Applied Statistics and Research Methods, 10 a.m.
Defense of Dissertation: Connor Darling Mulroy, Music Composition, 11 a.m.
Defense of Scholarly Project: Becky Marie Bautch, Nursing Practice, 11 a.m.
Oral Comprehensive Exam: Wesley Kyle Martsching, Educational Mathematics, noon
Thursday, Nov. 4
Defense of Dissertation: Nicholas Harman, Sport and Exercise Science, 10 a.m.
Friday, Nov. 5
Defense of Dissertation, David Michael Moore, Music Performance, 2 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 6
UNC Veterans Services Freedom 5K, 9 a.m.-noon
UNC Football vs. Montana University, noon-3 p.m.
UNC Volleyball vs. Weber State University, 6-8:30 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 7
Monday, Nov. 8
Tuesday, Nov. 9
3-Minute Thesis Informative Workshop, noon-1 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 10
Career and Internship Virtual Fair, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
GSA Dinner, 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 11
Friday, Nov. 12
Climbing Gym Shuttle, 5-9 p.m.
Top Klaw Climbing Competition, 5-10 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 13
Sunday, Nov. 14
Contact Your Representatives / Leadership at UNC
UNC Graduate Student Association
- Director: David Shimokawa,
- GSA Council Representative: Emily Phillips,
- GSA Council Representative: Emily Romero,
- GSA Council Representative: Tyler Hajek,
- GSA Council Representative: Yo Han Lee,
- GSA Council Representative: Zachary McCarver,
- Graduate Council Representative: Brittney Morgan,
- Graduate Council Representative: David Shimokawa,
- Graduate Council Representative: Mihye Kim,
- Faculty Senate Representative: Yohan Lee,
- Student Senate Representative: David Shimokawa,
- Extended Campus Liasion: Logan Schuetz,
- Faculty Research and Publications Board Appointee: Daniel Edi,
- Campus Rec Advisory Board Representative: Alicia Romano,
- 2030 Vision: Connect and Celebrate Sub-Committee: Nicholas Harman,
- 2030 Vision: Empower Inclusivity: Brittney Morgan,
- 2030 Vision: Enhance & Invest: Tyler Hajek,
- 2030 Vision: Students First: Oluwagbenga David Agboola,
- Academic Appeals Board: David Shimokawa,
- Academic Appeals Board: Emily Phillips,
- Academic Appeals Board: Emily Romero,
- Academic Appeals Board: Nicholas Dix,
- Academic Appeals Board: Nicholas Harman,
- Academic Appeals Board: Tyler Hajek,
- Academic Appeals Board: Zachary McCarver,
UNC Student Senate
- Senate Suggestion Box:
- Student Body President: Enrique Benavidez,
- Director of Campus Relations: Kendra Smits,
- Director of Finance: Briauna McFadden,
- Director of Student Affairs: Caterina Belle Azzarello,
- Election Commissioner / Parliamentarian: Quentin Choy,
- Student Rights Advocate: Karissa Terry,
- Student Trustee: Rasheeda Grant,
- Senator, NHS: Gabi Swize,
- Senator, NHS: Hannah Wilson,
- Senator, NHS: Christa Harvey,
- Senator, EBS: Jasmine Rodriguez,
- Senator, EBS: Kyla Glenn,
- Senator, EBS: Savannah Rivera,
- Senator, HSS: Caitlin Haas,
- Senator, HSS: Casey Randall,
- Senator, HSS: Erin Pettorino,
- Senator, MCB: Emmy Morgan Scott,
- Senator, MCB: John Carter,
- Senator, MCB: Andrew Gardalen,
- Senator, PVA: Bailey Walder,
- Senator, PVA: Chaya Jensen,
UNC Student Judiciary
- Schedule an appointment with a Student Justice
- File a Grievance with Student Judiciary
- Student Justice: Buday Falkinburg,
- Student Justice: Elijah (EA) Anderson-Taylor,
- Student Justice: David Shimokawa,
- Student Justice: Sam White,
UNC President's Leadership Council
- President: Andy Feinstein (contact through
- Interim Provost and Chief Academic Officer: Lisa Vollendorf,
- Student Body President: Enrique Benavidez,
- Assistant Professor of Viola: Vijay Chalasani,
- Athletic Director: Darren Dunn,
- MCB Dean: Sher Gibbs,
- Professional Administrative Staff Council (PASC) Chair: Lisa Grimes,
- AVP Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer: Tobias Guzman,
- VP for University Advancement: Allie Steg Haskett,
- Center for Human Enrichment (CHE) Director: Shawanna Kimbrough-Hayward,
- Faculty Senate Chair: Oscar Levin,
- Chief of Staff: Dan Maxey,
- AVP Enrollment Management: TBD
- Chief Information Officer: Bret Naber,
- Professor of Sociology: Kyle Nelson,
- Chief Financial Officer: Michelle Quinn,
- Executive Assistant to the President: Lori Riley,
- VP for Student Affairs: TBD
- VP and General Counsel: Dan Satriana,
- Classified Staff Council (CSC) Interim Chair: Roni Secord,
- Graduate Student Association (GSA) Director: David Shimokawa,
- Interim Assistance Vice President for Marketing & Communications: Lyndsey Crum,
Contact Your Representatives / Leadership in Government
Greeley City Council
- Mayor: John Gates,
- Ward I Councilmember: Tommy Butler,
- Ward II Councilmember: Brett Payton,
- Ward III Councilmember: Michael Fitzsimmons,
- Ward IV Councilmember / Mayor Pro Tem: Dale Hall,
- At Large Councilmember: Kristin Zasada,
- At Large Councilmember: Ed Clark,
U.S. Senate (Colorado)
- Senator Michael F. Bennett,
- Senator John W. Hickenlooper,
U.S. House of Representatives (Colorado)
- 1st Congressional District (Denver) Diana DeGette
- 2nd Congressional District (Boulder, Fort Collins, Loveland) Joe Neguse
- 3rd Congressional District (Grand Junction, Durango, Aspen, Pueblo) Lauren Boebert
- 4th Congressional District (Greeley, Longmont,) Ken Buck
- 5th Congressional District (Colorado Springs) Doug Lamborn
- 6th Congressional District (Aurora, Littleton, Brighton) Jason Crow
- 7th Congressional District (Golden, Lakewood, Arvada, Westminster) Ed Perlmutter
U.S. President
President Joe Biden
Graduate Student News Wanted
Do you have exciting news to share from your program or personal life? Been published
or received an award? The GSA is looking for graduate achievements to mention in our
newsletter and on our websites. Please send any info to GSA Administrative Assistant